Roxana Rojas Luzon Collage

Roxana Rojas-Luzon
I was born in Piura, Peru.
During my childhood I was surrounded by ten older sisters and brothers. Frequent cumpleanos (birthdays) and Fiestas (parties) with friends and family taught me to dance and paint. Traveling as a journalist showed me the world. Raising two girls inspires me.
Consolation, love, festivity, protection and solitude are words that I have heard others use to describe my collages, just what I wanted to express.
My interest in art began in childhood with drawing, painting, and winning local contests, but it was when I first became pregnant that I began to explore the art of collage. Toxic paint fumes could have harmed my unborn child. Glue and paper were on hand and I found that this simple materials provided the freedom to create light, motion and contrast in my pictures.
Today I continue to be fascinated by the art of collage, and use snippets of magazine paper, fabric, paper painted by my children or by myself, photographs, my own pencil drawings, raw pigment, or anything that enriches the texture and color of my images.
I experimented with abstraction in “Circles of life”, realism in “Colors of a Parrot”, and mixed media with “Naomi in Tutu”. My "Despedida" (Goodby party) when I left Peru, and ballet lessons of my daughters in America in "Red Ballerinas" are also reflected in my collages.
In addition to my art work as an artist, I am also a journalist, a teacher of Spanish and an interpreter.
I am a member of the Art League of Germantown in Maryland (ALOG), Montgomery Art Association (MAA), The Latino Art League of Washington DC (TLAL), I am a former artist in residence at Gallery 209 at Artists & Makers Studios 2. I am a founder and member of the Jury committee for Artists on Market art Gallery in Gaithersburg, Maryland. I am also a member of WAP Gallery in Wheaton.
I was honored to have been selected by The Bonnie Brae Foundation as the first "Artist in Residence" at the Historic Boyd-Maughlin House in Boyds, Maryland. During the month of the residency, my works were presented to the public in a solo exhibition, "Collage". I taught four hands-on collage workshops and gave lectures and guided tours of the exhibition.
My web page: